














医療的ケア児支援法が2021年3月に成立、昨年9月18日に施行されました。子ども・家族に具体的に反映されているのでしょうか? 法ができても、実践を伴わねば子どもたちへの真のアドボカシー(Advocacy, 擁護)とは言えません。





子どもたちに代わって政策目標を前進させる役割を担っているのが小児科医、というDr. Shetal Shahの論文「Going Farther by Going Together: Collaboration as a Tool in Advocacy」(Pediatr Clin N Am, 2023)が最近発表されました。本論文のキーポイントとして、次の5つの項目が挙げられています。

  • アドボカシーは、健康の社会的決定要因を対象とした小児科ケアの重要な要素である。
  • 小児科医は、協力することにより、子どもたちに代わって政策目標を前進させることができる。
  • 主要な組織・パートナーと連携する。
  • 連携を成功させるには、作業を開始する前に、具体的な目的、役割、および責任を確立する必要がある。
  • 連携の構築を促進するには、年齢とアドボカシーに関する潜在的な協力体制を組織しておく。 


私が新生児医療に専念し始めた時に出会い、バイブルとして読み返した本が、当時の最先端の新生児医療の考え方や医療手技についての特集、「THE NEWBORN」(Pediatr Clin N Am, 1970)です。


















鶴は千年亀は万年、「淮南子―説林訓」などにみる中国の伝説のことばとして 古くから長寿の象徴とされ、慶事には鶴亀にことよせて祝う習わしが今日まで続いてきました。




発達障害児へのVR (仮想空間) の活用について思いを巡らしていたところ、垂水区にある社会福祉法人SUISEIの取り組みを知り、早速お尋ねしました。そのうちの一つを紹介させていただきます。


その特徴は、すべてネット上のVRで行われ、フリートークでは、聴覚障がい・精神障がい・発達障がいのある先輩方から自らの働き方やどのような仕事をされているのか、直接お話が聞けるということです。普段なら、なかなか聞けないようなお話を VRであるからこそ聞き出せるという大きなメリットがあるようです。



At the dawn of the space age

The world’s first artificial satellite was a lightweight one launched by the Soviet Union in October 1957, weighing only 83.6 kilograms.

The beginning of manned space activities was marked by the Soviet Union’s first manned spacecraft, Vostok 1, on April 12, 1961. Yuri Gagarin, an Air Force pilot, successfully orbited the Earth in 108 minutes and reached an altitude of 300 km, captivating people around the world with his expression, “The Earth is blue.

The first human lunar landing

On July 16, 1969, the American spacecraft Apollo 11 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center and became the first mission to land humans on the Moon and successfully bring back lunar samples to Earth.

I still vividly remember the exhibition of the “Moon Rock” at the 1970 Osaka Expo, where many people gathered.



Let’s get along forever in space.

Countless artificial satellites dart through space.

Humanity has launched numerous artificial objects into space, such as satellites, space probes, and space stations. The first satellite ever launched was the famous Sputnik 1 in 1957. As of December 2021, there were over 12,000 registered artificial satellites, and in recent years, it is said that over 1,000 new satellites are added each year.

The International Space Station: A Joint Project of Five Countries

The International Space Station is the largest artificial satellite orbiting the Earth in low orbit. Its average altitude is about 400 km, and it takes less than 4 hours to travel from Earth to the satellite. It completes approximately 15.5 orbits around the Earth in a day and can sometimes be seen as a slow-moving point among the stars, even with the naked eye.

This inhabitable artificial satellite, the International Space Station, is a joint project involving the United States, Russia, Japan, Europe, and Canada. While conflicts between nations persist on Earth, it seems that they get along well in space.

In recent years, there has been much discussion about space stations on the Moon, and it is also desirable for cooperation to take place there.

Date: April 26, 2023.


Voyager, an unmanned probe, travels leisurely.

NASA’s unmanned probes, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, were launched in the autumn of 1977 and have been on a journey to the edge of the universe for the past 45 years.

At the dawn of the space boom,

The world’s first artificial satellite was a lightweight one launched by the Soviet Union in October 1957, weighing only 83.6 kilograms. The beginning of manned space activities was marked by the Soviet Union’s first manned spacecraft, Vostok 1, on April 12, 1961. Yuri Gagarin, an Air Force pilot, successfully orbited the Earth in 108 minutes and reached an altitude of 300 km, captivating people around the world with his expression, “The Earth is blue.

The first human lunar landing

On July 16, 1969, the American spacecraft Apollo 11 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center and became the first mission to land humans on the Moon and successfully bring back lunar samples to Earth. I still vividly remember the exhibition of the “Moon Rock” at the 1970 Osaka Expo, where many people gathered.

Voyager’s successive visits to Jupiter and Saturn

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in the autumn of 1977, eight years after the Apollo 11 lunar landing. After the launch, they visited Jupiter in about two years and then visited Saturn one year later.
Originally, the mission was to explore these two planets.The plan did not include visiting Uranus and Neptune due to the excessive cost. However, when Voyager 2 arrived at Saturn, its instruments were functioning sufficiently, leading to a decision to head towards the exploration of Uranus.

The two Voyagers, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, passed by Jupiter (Photos 1 and 2) and Saturn (Photos 5 and 6), capturing close-up photographs for the first time (quoted from Nikkei Science, January 2023 issue).

I had memories of the beautiful photos sent back by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 during their exploration of Jupiter and Saturn, but there hasn’t been much news about their journey since then, and it was somewhat forgotten.

Currently, both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are peacefully traveling, aiming for even more distant unknown worlds.

Subsequently, Voyager 2 made a visit to Uranus in January 1986 and Neptune in August 1989. Currently, both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have left the heliosphere and are peacefully traveling through interstellar space, controlled by their instruments, over a distance of 20 billion kilometers, aiming for even more distant unknown worlds.
It’s incredibly romantic and astonishing. I look forward to hearing more from the edge of the universe.
March 20, 2023.

Eyes speak louder than words.

I believe that children haven’t had the opportunity to see their friends’ faces without masks for over three years. However, personally, I’m not very concerned about communication when interacting with children face-to-face, even if they are wearing masks.

As the proverb says, “Eyes speak louder than words.” If you care about the other person, your thoughts can be conveyed through your gaze without uttering a word. As I mentioned before, even if you smile at a baby in a stroller on the train through your mask using only your eyes, they will still smile back at you as they always have.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul” is a proverb that means by looking into someone’s eyes, you can understand their state of mind. If someone is thinking positively, their eyes will shine, but if someone is thinking negatively, their eyes will cloud over. Eyes reflect the state of a person’s heart. During these past three years, children have undoubtedly developed an enhanced ability to read others’ hearts by looking into their eyes.

However, when we are freed from the masked life, our hearts will become bright.
March 13, 2023.
revised May 25, 2023.


The origin of ”Tango no Sekku”  by the AI-generated language model ChatGPT

There is news of the transition to the fifth category of coronavirus measures, which gives me a sense of liberation from the restrictions that we have been living under.

This morning, I went out to visit my granddaughter’s junior high school cultural festival. It has been a long time since I went out.

Most of the students are still wearing masks, but when I entered the classroom, I felt the vibrant energy of life that I had not experienced in a long time, and the bright future that they represent.

On the way to the school, I saw carp streamers swimming happily in the clear blue sky of May. May 5th is “Children’s Day,” which was established by the Holiday Law in 1948, replacing the pre-war “Tango no Sekku,” or Boys’ Festival.

I asked the AI-generated language model ChatGPT about the origin of Tango no Sekku, and it gave me the following answer within a few seconds:

“The origin of Tango no Sekku dates back to the traditional Chinese event called the ‘Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu Festival).’ According to legend, in ancient China, the monsters of the rivers and seas, namely ‘dragons’ and ‘fish,’ tormented the people.

Then, a hero named Lu Bu, wielding the famous sword ‘Grass-Cutting Sword,’ defeated the dragon, and the fish were driven away with the ‘chimaki’ dumpling containing ‘ai grass’ and ‘shobu’ leaves. This event, which symbolizes ‘defeating the dragon and driving away disaster,’ became the origin of Duanwu Festival.

Another theory suggests that Duanwu Festival is held in memory of the Chinese poet Qu Yuan, who was exiled from his homeland and met a tragic end. To remember and mourn him, Duanwu Festival was established.

In Japan, Tango no Sekku, which was brought from China, eventually became established as ‘Children’s Day,’ a festival to pray for the health of families and the growth of children.”

While the answer provides little information about the history of Japan, it focuses mainly on the Chinese origin of the festival. Perhaps ChatGPT contains more information in Chinese than in Japanese. Nevertheless, I am impressed by its ability to produce such well-written and informative passages.