
十代、二十代の若者たちに人気のAdoの曲、「新時代 (ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED)」というポップミュージックがレコード大賞優秀作品賞に選ばれ、また年末の紅白でも歌われました。






人間社会のメタモルフォーシス ゆらぎ社会

戦後の高度成長期の人間社会は, 蝶の変態にたとえていえば、卵から孵化した青虫がどんどん成長してサナギになるまでの過程でした。ところが、ある段階まで成長すると、サナギのように、外目にはじっとして動かなくなったのです。


最近よく用いられる言葉に,「個性化」や「多様化」があります。これらは一見, 分かったようで、その実よく分からない言葉です。不登校の問題も、児童に問題があるのではなく、昔ながらの教育方法に問題が潜んでおり、子供たちが学校に行きたがらない気持ちが私にはよく理解できます。


Metamorphose は動詞、Metamorphosis は名詞。


Another step closer to singularity

Since the emergence of Google, it has been a big bang.

An AI-powered text generation software called ChatGPT has been dominating the internet society by providing answers to various difficult and silly questions in human language. It has taken another step closer to singularity as a groundbreaking tool surpassing search engines.

Writing articles has become easier. It is said that even university students can have their reports written by the AI by simply inputting the assignments. The developer of this software is a San Francisco-based AI company called OpenAI, which has also released software like “DALL-E 2,” capable of generating images from text input.

I realized it’s beyond my ability.

I was eager to try it out and accessed the software, but it didn’t connect smoothly. Looking at online comments, I found out that “as of February 2023, there is no Japanese version available, and there are no plans to provide an official Japanese website in the future.”

I recall the time when I got my first Mac in my thirties. I had to rely on imperfect Japanese manuals and desperately translated the English versions to start using it. While Siri has been helpful in writing this article, I no longer possess the power to master the English version of ChatGPT. I will patiently wait and hope for the release of the Japanese version, as I would like to make use of it.
February 19, 2023. 
Translated by ChatGPT on June 1st, 2023.

Entrusting the future to Generation Z

Generation Z is a digitally native generation.

They are a generation that has grown up surrounded by the internet, computers, and smartphones as a natural part of their environment. Many of them dedicate time to information gathering and communication through the internet, such as YouTube and social media, and as a result, their TV viewing time has decreased.

Generation Z is not explicitly defined, but it generally refers to the generation born between approximately 1995 and 2012.
Time performance over cost performance for Generation Z

Time performance (Typa) over Cost performance (Cospa)

Generation Z tends to prioritize time performance (typa) over cost performance (cospa).This generation uses simplified expressions for social media and reportedly watches movies at double speed. They value how efficiently they can obtain information within limited time and how much satisfaction they can derive from it. Listening to their conversations, it is often difficult to understand what they are talking about.

In the school setting where Generation Z teaches and learns

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning has increased, and the digitization of school settings has rapidly progressed. My sixth-grade granddaughter handles her smartphone much more skillfully than I do and effortlessly works on her homework using the computer provided by the school.

She says the young homeroom teachers are having a hard time. Despite being part of Generation Z themselves, they seem to be caught between outdated educational methods imposed from above, and the students are looking at them with indifference.

In the era where Generation Z drives society

In the world of Go and chess, which have been influenced by AI, it is now the era where young people like Sumire Nakamura and Sota Fujii are making remarkable achievements.

The Children’s Basic Act, which will be implemented from April this year, states that “opportunities to express opinions on all matters directly related to oneself and to participate in various social activities shall be guaranteed for all children, according to their age and level of development.”

Listening to the discussions in the current parliamentary session, I was deeply disappointed as I realized that the opinions of the children, who should be the main protagonists, are not being reflected at all. The vague statement of the Kishida administration regarding “unprecedented” childcare support immediately left me disillusioned.

Removing the restriction that members of the House of Representatives must be at least 25 years old and members of the House of Councillors must be at least 30 years old and allowing young people aged 18 and over to participate seems to be the most effective measure to make Japan a vibrant nation.
