Kobe-Kathmandu Meeting on COVID-19


Professor Pokharel of Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Professor Hisahide Nishio of Kobe Gakuin University, and myself had a ZOOM meeting for about 1 hour from 11:00 am on January 23, about “COVID-19 Circumstances in Nepal and Japan”. .. The following is a summary.



population 126M, 5,500 cases / day, 99 deaths / day  on January 22, 2021

In Japan, from the end of the year to the beginning of January 2021, the rapid spread of infection and the third wave came, and the number of infected people per day exceeded 6,000 and the number of deaths exceeded 100 per day. From January 7th to February 7th, a state of emergency was issued, refraining from going out unnecessarily and urgently, and the business hours of restaurants are restricted to 8 pm.



population 28M, 318 cases / day, 6 deaths / day  on January 22, 2021

Recent overview in Nepal by Prof Dr Rameshwar Prasad Pokharel, Kathmandu, Nepal

In Nepal, there was a big wave from August 18th to January 9th, 2021, with more than 4,000 people a day at its peak, but Lock down was initially implemented from March 24th to June 2nd. Although it declined, the number of infected people surged from mid-August and was locked down again as Nepalese workers who had immigrated from cities in India returned across the border. After that, it was thoroughly carried out for 6 months. As a result, as of January 22, the number of patients was 318 and the number of deaths was 6, which is a low level.

  • Nepalese returned from India during COVID 19 infection.
  • People entering Nepal from Gaurifanta (India) southern west Nepal border.

Situation in Nepal Compared to Japan

  • Infected people in Nepal range from infants to 81 years of age, and by age group, Up to 20 years 22%, 21-40 years 61%, 41-60 years 7%, and 60+ years is 4%. Compared to Japan, it is characterized by being more common in the younger age group, and there are not a few cases of child death.

  • It seems that medical equipment was initially unavailable and confused, but now it seems that there is no problem with medical equipment and medicines.

  • As of January 22, 268,948 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 and 1,986 died.

  • RT-PCR tests are being performed on 1,957,454 people in Nepal. In addition, it is said that a mutant species in the United Kingdom has also been found.


ネパールでは、8月18日から2021年1月9日までの大きな波があり、ピーク時には1日に4,000人を超えていたが、Lock downが当初3月24日から6月2日まで実施され減少したが、インドの各都市から移民していたネパール人労働者が国境をこえて戻ってきたために、8月中旬から感染者数が急増し、再びLock downされ、その後6か月間と徹底的に行われた。その結果、1月22日現在の患者数318人、死亡者数6人と低レベルを保っている。


  • ネパールでの感染者は、乳児から81歳までの幅広い年齢層にわたっているが、年齢層別にみると、Up to 20 years 22 %, 21-40 years 61 %,  41-60 years 7 % , 60+ years 4 %と日本と比べ程年齢層が多いのが特徴で、小児死亡例も少なくないとのことである。
  • 医療用機材が、当初は入手出来ずに、混乱したそうだが、今は医療用機材や医薬品で困ることはないそうである。
  • 1月22日現在、COVID-19と診断されたのは268,948名で、死亡例が1,986人である。
  • RT-PCR検査は、1,957,454人で実施されており、検査は全て香港のWHOで行われるそうである。なお、英国の変異種も見つかっているとのこと。

Trends in East Asia

Japan has the highest number of infections and deaths among East Asian countries.

I was fascinated by the spread of the infection in the United States and the United Kingdom. I noticed that Japan had the highest number of infections and deaths among East Asian countries.

What is the reason? When I hear the story in Nepal, I feel that the government’s measures were more focused on economic measures than infection measures in Japan.



